Noémi Andrea Sándor

Noémi Andrea Sándor was born in 1972 and raised in Transylvania, Romania. She received her first degree in maths and information technology at the Lajos Kossuth University, in Debrecen, Hungary. After this she worked as a project leader for an international software company. At the same time she started her studies at the Organic Departement of the Faculty of Horticultural Science of Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary. She is currently completing her studies and she is going to graduate later this year. A few months ago she moved to Luzern, Switzerland, with her husband and their 4 year old son. Interior and textile design have always been her passion. Growing up in Transylvania people were not allowed much freedom. Using her imagination, the enjoyment of creating designs and discovering new shapes brought a lot of happiness, and in a way the inner liberation too. Her dream is to begin to work as an organic interior and garden designer in Switzerland.

Inne projekty artysty Noémi Andrea Sándor


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