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Wave - Igor Sever



VDvizhenie, curves, lines, frames, streams, mud and lava from zakoryuchek points visually slow down, sieved and redirect the flow of time and light, color and shape swirl, milled, crumble - coupled change and create a new one, not the appearance of narrative reality. Solids in the minds of the viewer is the collapse, transformation patterns illustrations, and release of stranded quasi-stable patterns of perception and the image plane.
Движение, изгибы линий, каркасы, потоки, сели из закорючек и лавы точек визуально замедляют, просеивают и перенаправляют течения времени и света, цвет и форма кружатся, перемалываются, крошатся - вкупе изменяются и создают новую, не нарративную видимость реальности. Сухой остаток в сознании зрителя-это крушение, трансформация шаблонов иллюстраций, и выброс на мель квазиустойчивой модели восприятия изображения и плоскости.

O Igor Sever

Was born in 1961 on the island of Spitsbergen to a mining engineer family.
Got carried away with drawing and painting since early childhood.
1989 - graduated from D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Has a master's degree in chemistry.
Hobbies: Philosophy
Participant of various art-projects in Russia and Europe. Member of the Russian Artist`s Union.
Igor participates in Russian exhibitions and performances from 1994 up to now. Active as an artist and installations maker.
Participant more than twenty of group and personal exhibitions, 15th personal ones.
Was born in 1961 on the island of Spitsbergen to a mining engineer family.
Got carried away with drawing and painting since early childhood.
1989 - graduated from D. Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia. Has a master's degree in chemistry.
Hobbies: Philosophy
Participant of various art-projects in Russia and Europe. Member of the Russian Artist`s Union.
Igor participates in Russian exhibitions and performances from 1994 up to now. Active as an artist and installations maker.
Participant more than twenty of group and personal exhibitions, 15th personal ones.

Inne projekty artysty Igor Sever

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