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A twist of Stripe - Erika Cross



A tiger's orange and black coat is one of its most notable features. It's stripes provide camouflage on the jungle floor and help the cat when stalking prey. Research indicates, however, that animals in the wild do not see color, making the tiger's iconic orange black coat open for reinterpretation. While offering a new twist to the tiger stripe, theses alternative color combinations render equally effective as camouflage in the wild.

O Erika Cross

Erika Cross is a multidisciplinary designer, producing a body of work ranging from material development to product and furniture design. Erika, a graduate of The Royal College of Art, is both pragmatic and refined; her work being the combination of theory, aesthetics and functionality. Employing creative thinking and experimental methodology, Erika, is dedicated to re-examining and re-imagining materiality and manufacture, all while working internationally on furniture and interior design, architectural installations, and branding projects.

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