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Eurythmics de Elvis Mehmeti



Just like in painting, we find the colors also in other arts, as for example in music.Color exists in musical notes and sounds. The idea was to create an harmonious rhythm as in color so in music. The colors are placed at the same rate as the piano keys. This carpet, through colours reveals emotional sounds.
Ashtu si ne pikture , ngjyrat i gjejme edhe ne artet e tjera si pershembull ne muzike. Ngjyra egziston ne nota dhe tinguj. Ideja ishte te krijoja nje ritem harmonik ngjyror dhe muzikor.Ngjyrat jane vendosur ne te njejtin ritem si tastet e pianos. Ky tapet nepermjet ngjyrave lëshon tinguj emocional.

Sobre Elvis Mehmeti

Elvis Mehmeti was born on July 5, 1992 in Elbasan, Albania. He studied art in high school "Onufri" Elbasan painting department. Later he pursed a Bachelor and Master in traditional graphics at the Academy of Arts in Tirana. Working as painter and decorator.
Elvis Mehmeti lindur ne 5 korrik 1992 ne Elbasan (ALBANIA).Kreu studimet ne Elbasan ne shkollen e mesme artistike "Onufri" dega pikture. Dhe me pas ne Akademine e Arteve Tirane perfundoi studimet Bachelor dhe Master ne degen grafike tradicionale.

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