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Finalisti 2021. - glasujte i osvojite nagradu

Summertime od Connie McCoy

United States

United States

Hot and Bright colors, abstract design, lots of pallette knife for texture

O programu Connie McCoy

Connie McCoy graduated with a BA degree from the College of Design, Art, Architecture and Planning at the University of Cincinnati. I've been a professional graphic designer for almost 50 years. I started painting in oils and sculpting in clay because art was my passion. My creative journey has led me from representational art to abstraction. In abstract form I feel bolder and more expressive. I love color and what lighting does to color. I enjoy working with a palette knife because of the wonderful textures you can achieve. I feel my designs are very applicable to carpets in that they create an artistic environment.

Ostvarite 15% popusta

Prijavite se sada i ostvarite 15% popusta na svoju sljedeću narudžbu*, tjedne e-poruke s ekskluzivnim pristupom ponudama, najnovijim trendovima i novostima o proizvodima.

Za informacije o tome kako postupamo s vašim podacima, provjerite naša pravila privatnosti. Možete odjavi pretplatu bilo kada. *Popust se može iskoristiti za jednu kupnju tijekom 60 dana nakon prijave na Newsletter. Vrijedi za sve proizvode, uključujući i snižene artikle. Ne može se kombinirati s drugim kodovima za popust.