Concorso di Design Rugvista!


We Are Perfect And Unique Together di Ting Pan



I love to play with colors, especially complementary colors, in simple shapes or lines. Although these shapes and lines seem simple singly, each of them look gorgeous and unique when they match together. This truth is like our lives: each of us is different and each of us has different appearance and personality. Maybe some of us feel that they are ordinary, but we should know that we each are perfect and unique when we are in groups.

Sulla Ting Pan

Ting Pan was born in Taiwan in 1994. She is currently working towards achieving a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, United States. She creates artwork with her passion and skill as well as her creativity. She works both traditionally and digitally. Her work usually shows her love of complementary colors, shapes, and lines.

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