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2021 최종 후보 - 투표하고 경품을 받아가세요

Cyanid Svart 은 Mac Johansson



The design was birthed out of accident whilst I was playing around with proportions of rectangles. The colour scheme was inspired from the book "Expeditionen: Min kärlekshistoria (The Expedition: My Love Story) by Bea Uusma about an expedition to the north pole. I was fascinated of how the snow and ice was portrayed in the book. Sublime beauty, but at the same time, it's a quite unforgiving place, therefore the dark name: Cyanid.
Designen föddes ur slump när jag lekte med proportioner hos rektanglar. Inspirationen till färgerna kom ifrån boken Expeditionen: Min kärlekshistoria av Bea Uusma, som handlar om en expedition till nordpolen. Jag fångades av hur hur snön och isen porträtterades i boken. Sublim skönhet, men samtidigt en sannerligen oförlåtande plats. Därav det mörka namnet: Cyanid.

에 대해 Mac Johansson

Mac Johansson is a masters degree graduate in fine arts of HDK in Gothenburg (Sweden). He works interdisciplinary with design, art, crafts, photography and video.
Mac Johansson har erlagt en masterexamen i konst vid HDK i Göteborg. Han arbetar interdisciplinärt med design, konst, konsthantverk, fotografi och video.

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