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OP - Other People - Triinu Pungits
PUNGITS designs are inspired by the philosophical central point which is
the beginning for many other points that spontaneously diverge from the
center and have their own unique, and character reflecting, signals. We
reflect each other. So by aggregating our activities and by focusing on
the goal, we are inspired to continue on a similar, endless journey.
the beginning for many other points that spontaneously diverge from the
center and have their own unique, and character reflecting, signals. We
reflect each other. So by aggregating our activities and by focusing on
the goal, we are inspired to continue on a similar, endless journey.
OP – Other People (Teised Inimesed)
Disaini idee on inspireeritud filosoofilisest keskpunktis olemisest, millest omakorda saavad alguse erinevad punktid, mille spontaanne
hargnemine evib erinevaid oma olemust peegeldavaid signaale. Me peegeldame üksteist. Meie ka, koondades oma tugevust ja fokusseerides end eesmärgile, innustume jätkama sarnast lõputut teekonda.
Disaini idee on inspireeritud filosoofilisest keskpunktis olemisest, millest omakorda saavad alguse erinevad punktid, mille spontaanne
hargnemine evib erinevaid oma olemust peegeldavaid signaale. Me peegeldame üksteist. Meie ka, koondades oma tugevust ja fokusseerides end eesmärgile, innustume jätkama sarnast lõputut teekonda.
O Triinu Pungits
Triinu Pungits graduated from Tartu Art College, and she has been active
as a freelance textile and fashion designer for more than ten years.
Having successfully taken part in different projects, exhibitions,
international fashion contests and fashion weeks, she has now established
her own brand PUNGITS, where Triinu as both fashion and textile designer
applies her experience, maturity and passion. Her creation of textiles has
been an inspiration for interior design and the reason for the foundation
of the complimentary brand PUNGITS HOME.
as a freelance textile and fashion designer for more than ten years.
Having successfully taken part in different projects, exhibitions,
international fashion contests and fashion weeks, she has now established
her own brand PUNGITS, where Triinu as both fashion and textile designer
applies her experience, maturity and passion. Her creation of textiles has
been an inspiration for interior design and the reason for the foundation
of the complimentary brand PUNGITS HOME.
Triinu Pungits on lõpetanud Tartu Kõrgema Kunstikooli ja tegutsenud seejärel üle kümne aasta vabakutselise tekstiili- ja moekunstnikuna. Osalenud edukalt erinevates projektides, näitustel, rahvusvahelistel moekonkurssidel ja moenädalatel on ta nüüdseks jõudnud oma kaubamärgi – PUNGITS – loomiseni, milles rakendab oma kogemust, küpsust ja kirge kunstnikuna nii rõivaste kui tekstiilide disainis. Just tekstiilide kujundamine ning vormine on andnud ainest interjööri disainile ja täiendava kaubamärgi „Pungits HOME“ asutamisele.