

Big Eyes Pink von Dawn Clarkson



Über Dawn Clarkson

Originally from the UK, Dawn has been living in Turin in the north-west of Italy for over 25 years. Trained as a graphic designer, she is now doing what she enjoys most, creating prints and patterns.
Dawn’s work has an unlimited and varied font of inspiration in her adopted home, from her garden to the mountains, and from the parks and many beautiful buildings and museums which are part of the city of Turin. Sketchbooks, collage, images taken from nature, motifs, cut-outs and paper creations all form part of a creative process which draws on the rich inspirational base of her surroundings and from which numerous and unique patterns are designed.
Dawn’s professional background has influenced her style which is very bold, graphic, bright and colourful. A love of large scale patterns and rich colour palettes shines through her work which is combined with a contrasting elegance in many of her final designs.

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