Konkurs na najlepszy projekt Rugvista!





The picture say it all, its a beautiful view from the field . it would be like a painting kept on the floor .every time you look at it,you would have your own depiction of the carpet.
The picture say it all, its a beautiful view from the field . it would be like a painting kept on the floor .every time you look at it,you would have your own depiction of the carpet.


A civil engineer by qualification and a designer by profession with more than 13 years of experience in commercial ,hospitality ,residential and corporate interiors. Through my interest and passion I believe that the proper design of each space improves the quality of the user’s life. For this reason, I consider each new project to be a personal challenge and I always aim to the most high-quality space production through dynamic creativity . Sociability, creativity, organizational skills and methodicalnessare some elements that characterize me. A major part of my interest comes from working with various alternative materials & crafts, new design methods and using new technologies/software. I have always been keen to investigate how design and technology can influence human behavior and experiences.
Areas of expertise :
•Interior design
•Graphic design
•Digital painting
•Product design
A civil engineer by qualification and a designer by profession with more than 13 years of experience in commercial ,hospitality ,residential and corporate interiors. Through my interest and passion I believe that the proper design of each space improves the quality of the user’s life. For this reason, I consider each new project to be a personal challenge and I always aim to the most high-quality space production through dynamic creativity . Sociability, creativity, organizational skills and methodicalnessare some elements that characterize me. A major part of my interest comes from working with various alternative materials & crafts, new design methods and using new technologies/software. I have always been keen to investigate how design and technology can influence human behavior and experiences.
Areas of expertise :
•Interior design
•Graphic design
•Digital painting
•Product design

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