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Harry Hedgehog - Dan Olsson



The idea for a furry hedgehog comes from the fact that I have two small children and that I have always found this little animal to be cute and lovable looking despite his prickly exterior. I also dedicate the design to my mom who has always liked hedgehogs and has them all over her home. Unlike what my grandmother would tell you - do not to feed this little guy milk as he is lactose intolerant.

O Dan Olsson

Though I am not schooled in the arts (other than one year of kindergarten) I have always enjoyed drawing and painting. I have been working in marketing for the past 10 years and have been able to exchange my pen for a mouse and keyboard. I have also become a critique of the arts as my daughter is now 4 years old and has a flare for painting (unfortunately not always on a canvas).
Pictured above is my son who shares the same hairdo as the hedgehog.

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