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Fluid Lines - Juan Mercado

United States

United States

We live in a modern world that is constantly in motion and rapidly changing. The digital technologies have become tools to speed up communications. The carpet “Fluid Lines” is the trace of a dynamic lifestyle. The project Fluid Lines uses choreographed lines that play in space forming a sophisticated surface that weaves and bends. The 2-dimensional lines are manipulated digitally to form a 3-Dimensional space. Each line is unique and has its own path in space but most importantly it plays a role as a whole in the composition.

O Juan Mercado

Juan Pablo Mercado was born in Mexico on 1984. He studied architecture, and got a M.Arch. degree at the University of Michigan in 2009. He is currently doing work collaborations and competitions that range from graphic design, objects, and architectural design. He is interested in the interactions of objects and space, and the perception of things to alter the surroundings. More recently he is exploring simplicity as methodology to then develop complex forms through repetitive production techniques.

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