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Leafyrific-Lime - Mary Tanana

United States

United States

This is one of my favorite designs because of its simplicity. I usually tend to do very complicated design work, and this one is a modern, graphic, leaf shape that is a very versatile pattern and can be manufactured in a number of different colorways.

O Mary Tanana

Mary Tanana is a designer who is inspired by many things; art, photography, gardening, landscapes and nature. She approaches her work with a boho, edgy flair. Mary has had a life-long love affair with anything patterned, and after a long and successful career as an award winning jewelry designer, she has once again embraced her first love of surface pattern design. Her style is defined by very intricate pattern work.
She loves to sketch in a variety of mediums, and often refers to her many sketchbooks, both old and new, for inspiration. She is fascinated with henna designs from India, folk art from the Ukraine, Russia and Poland, and loves Zentangle art. She has traveled extensively, and takes a lot of photographs wherever she goes. Mary tries to translate textures that she sees in landscapes, nature, or architecture into something fresh, eye-catching, and colorful.

Dywan ten jest również dostępny w następujących kolorach:

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