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Summer Memories - Suzie Tremel

United States

United States

The Summer Memories design was inspired by photos I had taken at a summer carnival while riding the rides. The photo images looked like abstract fractals of the carnival lights. The stripes also represent the strands of hair that got in-front of the camera lens when I took the photos.

O Suzie Tremel

Suzie is a creative surface pattern designer who lives in Atlanta, Georgia and is passionate about color, pattern, textures and fabric. She has over 15 years’ experience as an in-house designer for several US retailers creating surface patterns and product designs for a variety of home and fashion products

She started her own surface design business in late 2012 and has enjoyed designing for a variety of products and companies. She licenses her art, sells designs out right and works with clients on a custom project basis.

Her design style is modern, colorful and layered with delicate details and textures. Vintage and global influences can also been seen in her designs.
Suzie’s designs are influenced by her passion for travel, exploring different cultures, vintage fabrics, flea-markets and observing beautiful forms in nature.

Suzie is driven by her passion to create patterns with beautiful colors that help make ordinary everyday products look exciting and extraordinary. With her pattern and color stories, she hopes to make people’s lives a little bit brighter and happier.

Dywan ten jest również dostępny w następujących kolorach:

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Informacje na temat sposobu przetwarzania danych osobowych znaleźć można w polityce prywatności. W każdej chwili można zrezygnować z subskrypcji. *Zniżkę można wykorzystać na jeden zakup w okresie 60 dni od zapisania się na listę subskrypcji biuletynu. Obejmuje ona wszystkie produkty, w tym te, które zostały już przecenione. Zniżki nie można łączyć z innymi kodami rabatowymi.