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PATH - a route to inspire you - Steve Sanda

United States

United States

PATH suggests that, within a field of repetition, a route can be shown by carefully altering the array of characters that compose it. Perhaps forged by our predecessors, a roadway is carved into history as an offer of guidance and clarity for us. Whether it is the right PATH, a patron who experiences this suggestion must decide for himself if he will be inspired to follow.

PATH is a series of design iterations with a basis of a rectangular grid expressed by triangles. The position of the bottom right point of specific triangles is varied to collectively imply a manipulation to the grid or a force that bears impact to the geometry as a whole.

O Steve Sanda

I am an architect in the Midwest USA. My artistic focus pursues pattern and repetition of geometric shapes. Using hierarchy, grids, and logical layout, I attempt to use proportions, relationships, and purposeful impact of shapes in order to express an idea or tell a story.

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Informacje na temat sposobu przetwarzania danych osobowych znaleźć można w polityce prywatności. W każdej chwili można zrezygnować z subskrypcji. *Zniżkę można wykorzystać na jeden zakup w okresie 60 dni od zapisania się na listę subskrypcji biuletynu. Obejmuje ona wszystkie produkty, w tym te, które zostały już przecenione. Zniżki nie można łączyć z innymi kodami rabatowymi.