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Summer Garden - Alice Evans

Wielka Brytania

Wielka Brytania

Part of a series of designs inspired by the beautiful shapes and colours found in the natural world, this design evokes the joyful colours and patterns of a summer garden.
Part of a series of designs inspired by the beautiful shapes and colours found in the natural world, this design evokes the joyful colours and patterns of a summer garden.

O Alice Evans

Alice was born in Wales in 1993. She is currently in her final year studying Fine Art at the University of Leeds. She is particularly interested in using pattern and colour to create highly decorative and colourful textiles and ceramics.
Alice was born in Wales in 1993. She is currently in her final year studying Fine Art at the University of Leeds. She is particularly interested in using pattern and colour to create highly decorative and colourful textiles and ceramics.

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