Konkurs na najlepszy projekt Rugvista!


Tapestry in Yellow - Var Sahakyan



Having grown up in a family of a tapestry maker I approached this work as an intentional rug with the idea of tradition being in a fluid state of change. Unlike the other designs submitted this one strives to stand between what a carpet is and the next step trying to be somewhere else.

O Var Sahakyan

My name is Var Sahakyan. Originally I am from Armenia. And currently I am based in Paris.

Creation and art for me are the basis of meaning of life. Therefore the thing I enjoy most in art is the creation of something new, something that doesn't exist. In this sense, I embrace with great pleasure abstraction in arts. The passgae below taken from my artistic statement describes mY approach to art.

"It is the freedom in the process of creation that liberates the artist. To know if he created art, the artist has to come out of the process of creation liberated, surprised and with a discovery. Thus it is not a brush, hand or eye that the artist works with – but freedom."

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